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Welcome to the governors' section of the Rushey Mead Primary School website.  

The governors are volunteers who work with the headteacher and the school staff to make decisions on school issues.  We meet at least once a term and have legal duties and responsibilities as a joint body, but not individually, to help the school ensure children have the best possible education.  We also visit the school regularly to see what is happening.

Governors are elected by the local authority, by parents, by the staff and some are co-opted from the local community.  When a vacancy becomes available for a parent governor, the school will notify parents, encouraging parents to come forward to volunteer for this worthwhile role.

I am a local authority governor and joined the governing body of the school in autumn 2011, becoming Chair of Governors in September 2012.  I work for Leicester City Council and have visited many schools across the city. I enjoy working with the community and children of Rushey Mead, and meeting parents, and am pleased to be able to be on the Governing Body. Over the coming years, I hope that we can all work together to ensure that the school becomes outstanding.

Sue Welford
Chair of Governors