Bonsai class (The DSP)
DSP - Designated Specialist Provision
At Rushey Mead Primary School we are privileged to have a DSP. Our DSP supports children with Communication and Interaction needs including Autism. Our Vision and Ethos for Bonsai Class is to provide a positive learning environment that fosters a sense of inclusion and a celebration of difference. This will enable the children to have access to and be included in mainstream classes and whole school activities including trips outside of school with their mainstream peers, where appropriate for the children’s needs.
Within Bonsai Class we have two learning areas:
- The Learning Zone, for more focused activities
- The Snug, a more sensory and calming environment
Admission Criteria for Bonsai Class
A child must have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and a DSP named within this.
To gain a place in Bonsai Class, all applications and decisions are made by Leicester City Special Education Services (SES) and not by the school. The maximum number of spaces in our provision is 10 places and we cater for children from Reception to Year 6.
Inclusion and Access to School
Inclusion is at the heart of Rushey Mead Primary School and we strive to ensure that all children are able to succeed. Bonsai class is closely linked to the main school, providing regular opportunities for children in the DSP to be integrated into the main school where appropriate to their needs and vice versa.
All staff working with the children in Bonsai Class use positive behaviour strategies to support the children in a caring and nurturing environment. All children have their own risk assessment and this is shared with all staff working with them and the parents too.
Bonsai Photo Gallery