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Religious Education


"Peace is the most powerful weapon of mankind." Mahatma Gandhi

Children in Leicester City are wonderfully lucky to live in a diverse city with wide range of cultures and faiths. The community surrounding our school highlights this and is a richly diverse area. At Rushey Mead Primary School, we immerse our children in the faith and beliefs of our community, valuing the expertise of their own faiths that the children bring.  

At Rushey Mead Primary School, we focus on the six main world religions: Christianity; Judaism; Hinduism; Sikhism; Islam and Buddhism. These are taught through RE days at the start of each half term, allowing our children a full day of fun, practical activities designed to immerse them in a world of different religions and beliefs. We believe this supports them to become open-minded individuals and gives them a deep, well-rounded view of the world around them and encourages them to show tolerance to all faiths and beliefs.  

We also welcome opportunities for the pupils and their families to share their beliefs at special times of the year, such as Diwali, Christmas and Eid. During these times, we invite the families of our children in to share in our school celebrations and the children love to experience religious celebrations first-hand! 

All of these experiences, we believe, will prepare our children for modern Britain and the experiences they may have encountering those with different belief systems to their own. We support our children in becoming tolerant, inquisitive, unprejudiced members of society and maybe the theologists of the future!  

Subject Leadership Team

Our RE subject leaders are

Mrs D Chandarana 

Miss Z Whitehouse

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